Holy Crap! The Dismemberment Plan Is Coming Out With A New Album!
Washington DC based post-punk rockers The Dismemberment Plan sure have been busy over the past few years. After breaking up in 2003, the band got together for a few one off shows in 2007, then in 2011, did a brief tour to celebrate the reissue of their fantastic 1999 album Emergency & I.
Evidently they got the bug again, as this resulted in some additional shows last year (one of which I had the pleasure of attending), and sure enough - they started playing new material.
If you’re a Dismemberment Plan fan, this next sentence is going to seem very surreal - on October 15th, the band will release their first album since 2001’s Change - Uncanney Valley.
Yes, that’s the proper spelling. Recorded in Baltimore (how this happened under my nose without me knowing, I’ll never know), the tracklisting is as follows:
01 No One’s Saying Nothing" 02 Waiting 03 Invisible 04 White Collar White Trash 05 Living In Song 06 Lookin’ 07 Daddy Was A Real Good Dancer 08 Mexico City Christmas 09 Go and Get It 10 Let’s Just Go To The Dogs Tonight
And with that, you have my most anticipated album release of Fall 2013.

Thursday June 27, 2013