SDCC 2013: Exclusive THE WORLD'S END Poster To Hit The Con!
With the official UK release date of the third and final part of the Cornetto Trilogy, The World’s End being this Friday, it should come as little surprise that SDCC 2013 will not only feature a big push for the US release in August, but also a screening as well.
The latest film from director/writer Edgar Wright, star/writer Simon Pegg and star Nick Frost certainly looks to be a winner, and the exclusive poster available at the Con this weekend looks like a winner as well.
Illustrated by Tommy Lee Edwards (who collaborated with Edgar Wright on the Brandon Generator online comic project), the poster puts a hard focus on Simon Pegg’s lead character, the one-time goth Gary King.  If the early reviews are true, the SDCC audience will LOVE this film, and I cannot wait to see it for myself.
The World’s End arrives in the US, ready for a pint on August 23rd.

Wednesday July 17, 2013