Proving once again why it’s a worthwhile idea to wait until official imagery is released by the studio, Entertainment Weekly has revealed its Comic Con 2013 issue cover, featuring The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

On it, we have a face-off between Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man, and in the first official image of the character, Jamie Foxx as the lead villain - Electro.

Featuring a really cool, almost translucent look to his skin, Foxx’s Electro looks very much like the Ultimate Spider-Man version of  the character, and is visually very imposing. Certainly a 180 from the terrible comb-over Max Dillon has in his pre-Electro form.


Also, this look is considerably more imposing looking than the leaked paparazzi shots from the filming in NYC - this is why we at Blast-O-Rama cover only finalized imagery, whether official from the studio or leaked scans - we want to make sure your first impression is the best impression.

The Entertainment Weekly issue is on stands now, and includes more images inside, and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 swings into theaters on May 2nd, 2014.