FAST AND FURIOUS 7 Takes A Knee With The Addition of TONY JAA!
If fans of the Fast and Furious franchise weren’t excited enough to have Jason Statham join the cast as the villain for Fast and Furious 7, Universal Pictures has just made a bold move to make the franchise rival The Expendables as they have just announced the addition of Tony Jaa to the cast.
For your average moviegoer, this doesn’t mean much. However, for the martial arts movie fan, Jaa has been known for years, particularly for his insane trilogy of Ong Bak films.
Jaa has become infamous for insane action and brutal stunts, all of which he performs himself.
Here - check out this amazing, one-take fight scene from The Protector to see what he’s made out of.
Jaa joins an ever growing cast for the seventh film of the Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson franchise, which will also feature female MMA star Ronda Rousey.
Fast & Furious 7 hits theaters on July 11th, 2014.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Tuesday August 27, 2013