Before 2015's SUPERMAN vs. BATMAN, Read The Script For 2002's BATMAN vs. SUPERMAN!
As fans look forward to the Summer 2015 of the Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck starring sequel to Man of Steel (now with more Batman), it’s a great time to look back to what could have been.
In the pre-Christopher Nolan era, Warner Bros was trying anything they could to resurrect the Batman franchise, after it had been put on ice by 1997’s Batman & Robin. One such idea considered? Batman vs. Superman: Asylum, a script written in 2002 by Akiva Goldsman (who scripted Batman Forever and Batman & Robin) and Andrew Kevin Walker (Sleepy Hollow).
Fans wondered for ages how the film could’ve turned out, and a copy of the script has surfaced on Scribd, and we’ve embedded it for you below. Â Enter a world where Batman had a wife, Superman’s getting divorced, and the only solution? Hecka punching.
Source: Geek Tyrant

Thursday August 29, 2013