ZERO CHARISMA: A Film All Nerds Can Relate To?
I’m not sure if every nerd has had this experience, but I’m pretty sure we all have that one friend who takes his nerd life a little too seriously. To where the rest of their life seems to fall apart around it.
One such man is the “hero” of the forthcoming indie film Zero Charisma, and coming off of some big SXSW buzz, it finally hits theaters and VOD this fall.
Chris Hardwick’s Nerdist Industries moves into the theatrical realm with Zero Charisma as their first release (serving as distributor), and they couldn’t have picked a better film.  Here’s the setup.
Scott Weidemeyer, an overweight and overbearing fantasy role-playing gamer finds his life turned upside-down when a handsome and charismatic hipster joins his game. Plagued by angst and self-doubt, Scott's troubles worsen with the faltering health of his grandmother, who has cared for him all his life, and the sudden arrival of his estranged mother and her new fiancÁ©. Short-sighted and ill-tempered, Scott finds his once safe and comfortable life spinning wildly out of control.Word of mouth has been great on this film, and the official trailer released yesterday. Check it out.
If Zero Charisma looks like your type of party, you won’t have to wait long. The film hits video on demand on October 8th, with a limited theatrical release kicking off on October 11th.

Tuesday September 17, 2013