Hey there, everyone! You may have noticed things are different here at Blast-O-Rama.

You may have seen a rapid deluge of posts pop up over the weekend, but that’s because we were backed up, getting ready for the latest version of the site.

Our own Chris K. coded this from scratch, after I took a long look at what the site is, what it was, and where it could be going.

Inspired greatly by sites such as Daring Fireball, and the minimalist workings of Tumblr - of which I’ve become a big fan - the idea of the new BoR is simple. We provide you with regular updates and links to the coolest news and internet bits that have grabbed our interest, but the idea is simple - get them to you with as little fluff as possible.

Our longer pieces will still exist, as we review the newest and coolest things we devour, but we want you to know what you may have missed as quickly as our fingers allow it.  Plus, we’ve got infinite scroll set, so you can keep reading forever.  You can always access our archived articles and reviews right at the top.

You may also notice that currently the site is ad-free. That may not last forever, but as the ad revenue generally hasn’t been too great, I figured we could kill it for now. In the meantime, you will see links every now and then to products on Amazon.com. If you’re interested, please, buy through us - we’ll still try to keep you abreast of great nerdy deals whenever possible as well.

This is a new idea, and one that I can’t wait to see the results of.  But of course, we want your feedback.  Feel free to leave them in the comments on this page, or feel free to shoot me a line directly - marty@blast-o-rama.com. I’d love to chat with you.  Thanks, and enjoy the site!