Comics Release List: October 16th, 2013

Happy Hump Day, everyone!
It’s Wednesday, which means for comic folks, its the best day of the week -Â NEW COMIC DAY!
So open up your apps, drive to your comic store, assault your local newsstand, and get to reading some four-color adventures! Â And sweet GOD, there is finally some Hawkguy due out this week!
Here’s what I’ll be picking up this week - what about you?
- A+X #13
- Adventure Time #21
- Avengers #21
- Batman Superman #4
- Brain Boy #2
- Guardians Of The Galaxy #7
- Hawkeye #13
- Indestructible Hulk Special #1
- Invincible #106
- New Avengers #11
- Superior Spider-Man #19
Wednesday October 16, 2013