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Music fans everywhere have already marked their calendars for July, wherein the rap gods the Wu Tang Clan return with a brand new album, titled A Better Tomorrow.

A part of the 20th Anniversary celebration of the group (which has included an amazing Grantland profile), would you believe they recorded ANOTHER secret double album as well?

Announced exclusively to Forbes earlier today, this secondary new release is titled The Wu - Once Upon A Time In Shaolin.

What makes it even more amazing? There will be literally ONE copy of the album produced. 31 tracks and 128 minutes long, the double album arrives in a specially designed silver and nickel box (pictured above), and will literally be taken on a listening tour.

The RZA says that the idea is for the album to make "a piece of art like nobody else has done in the history of music."  They’re making an album so exclusive it’s like "having the scepter of an Egyptian king".

It’s certainly a bold new way to release an album, and I feel like once the “master" copy is sold after the tour (at a price hinted to be “in the millions"), you’ll be able to get it on Spotify like anything else. But until then, open the 36 chambers, I’m ready for the smoke and mirrors.