Daily Blast: June 9th, 2014
Mark Hamill is ready for Episode VII! All sorts of games are getting hinted at toward E3! Taco Bell is combining all of their foods! And we got a bunch of Spider-Men! Get ready for that, and more, in today’s Daily Blast!
- At the top of the post: Sure does look like Mark Hamill is all sorts of grizzled and ready for Star Wars: Episode VII, right? Not sure how I feel about that Mickey Mouse cameo though...- Remember those awesome fan-made Guardians of the Galaxy posters on Friday, made by the Poster Posse? They released a second round, JUST as awesome as the first. Check ‘em out!
- Director Josh Boone (The Fault In Our Stars) is ready to take on an adaptation of Stephen King’s The Stand. His goal? A three-hour, R-rated adaptation with an A-List cast. Shooting for the stars, there.
- You can’t stop the powerhouse duo of director David O. Russell and the Internet’s favorite actress Jennifer Lawrence. After two big time back-to-back collaborations in The Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle, they’ll reteam for the December 2015 release, Joy. Yep, it’s about that mop lady.
- Now that Ant-Man is set, Marvel Studios is continuing to work on Doctor Strange. Now rumored to be playing the mystic? Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hardy. I’d love either.
- If you loved John Carter like I did, prepare to get your heart broken - director Andrew Stanton revealed title treatments for sequels Gods of Mars and Warlord of Mars on Twitter.
[]( The remixed edition of Kingdom Hearts 2, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 is set for a PS3 release on December 2nd. But wait, what’s that at the end of the trailer?!
- The Last Guardian still isn’t cancelled, you guys. No matter how many rumors there are.
- I think it’s pretty obvious that we’ll see Mirror’s Edge 2 at E3 this week.
- Microsoft may have abandoned the Kinect, but developers sure haven’t. Harmonix (of Rock Band fame) looks to drop Disney Fantasia: Music Evolved - for the Xbox One and Xbox 360 - this October.
- Speaking of Disney, Disney Infinity 2.0 (now with Marvel!) is shaping up pretty nice.
- Basketball fans! You probably don’t read this. But if you did, you’d probably be excited to hear that EA Sports is ready to release NBA Live 15 on October 7th. After last year’s apology inducing debacle, they intend for this years edition to be such things as good, and playable.
- Nerds with free time always rule. Especially when they decide to do crazy things like recreate the truck chase from Terminator 2: Judgement Day in Grand Theft Auto V.
- Want to play as every Spider-Man ever? That seems to be the goal of the forthcoming iOS endless runner, Spider-Man Unlimited. Look for it in September.

- Just before the “bringing every Spider-Man together” event “Spider-Verse” in November, Marvel Comics will be releasing a 5 issue miniseries titled Edge of Spider-Verse in September. Expect all sorts of alternate reality Spider-Men, including one created by My Chemical Romance frontman Gerard Way, and most interestingly, Gwen Stacy: Spider-Woman!
- Calvin and Hobbes creator Bill Waterson shocked the world this week, returning to the world of comics, to do some fill-in art in the series Pearls Before Swine.

- Have about a grand you want to blow? Awesome - looks like Hot Toys has a whole bunch of Guardians of the Galaxy 1:6 Scale figures on the way for your shelves, to the delight of your credit card company.
- I never thought I’d want a set of Glam Rock Transformers, but the SDCC exclusive Transformers 30th Anniversary Tour Edition Action Figure Collection is amazing.

- If you’re a Mystery Science Theater 3000 fan, you’ll be sure to love artist Steve Seck’s print “Where’s Servo?" It’s chock full of MST3K references and easter eggs, plus, you know, it’s just a really cool print.
- Hey guys, do you remember the crazy days of 2013? SyFy sure does, as they’re trying to recapture lightning in a bottle with Sharknado 2: The Second One. The teaser trailer is above.

- Holy 90’s Revival, Batman! Matt Sharp (of Weezer fame) is reviving his solo project, The Rentals, this fall. The new album will be titled Lost In Alphaville, and the first single, “Thought of Sound” is sounding pretty good.

- #FastFoodArmsRace: A Chipotle secret menu item has gone legit, as Taco Bell adds the Quesarito (that’s a Quesadilla and a Burrito in one food thing) to their menu on June 9th. Hey! That’s today!
Monday June 9, 2014