Daily Blast: June 26th, 2014

A busy Wednesday in the world of news means you’ve got yourself a JAM-PACKEDÂ Daily Blast for your Thursday morning.
What’s in today’s edition?
Brad Pitt has returned to World War II, Google’s got new tech for pretty much everywhere you are, the first teaser for the new Hunger Games is out, and yes, we actually have a news item about Aretha Franklin.
At the top of the post: Thanks to Entertainment Weekly, we have our first look in years at the long in production Mad Max sequel, Mad Max: Fury Road. Don’t get TOO excited though, it doesn’t come out until next Summer.
[]( Brad Pitt returns to World War II this Fall in Fury, which looks like a lot less fun of a time than Inglorious Basterds, but still looks like a hell of a movie to see.

- It appears that Chicago will be home to a George Lucas Museum.

- Would…you…like…to…remake…a…game? Fresh off of its reference in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the 1980’s film WarGames is looking to be remade.
- CineFix did a really great job of retelling Kill Bill as if it were a classic 2D side-scroller.

- Looks like Chris Hemsworth (Thor) will be Shane Black’s Doc Savage.
- Continuing its interesting propaganda-style promotional campaign, the first teaser trailer for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 is in the style of an official address from President Snow.

- Ben Kingsley (Iron Man 3) has joined the cast of Jon Favreau’s live-action The Jungle Book. He’ll be voicing Bagheera.

- The two biggest DC Comics TV over on the CW series have their Fall premiere dates, with The Flash debuting on October 7, and the third season of Arrow kicking off on October 8.

- Making the rounds across the web is this amazing photo of a bootleg DVD of HBO’s True Detective. Can this version be the show’s next season? Because I am ALL IN.

- How adorable are these new Street Fighter plushies?

- Infamous: First Light, the DLC add-on to Infamous: Second Son, focusing on anti-hero Fetch, will hit the PS4 on August 26.

- Yesterday was Google’s I/O conference. A LOT was announced, although Wired has our favorite summary. There’s a new Android update, Android TV, Android Auto, Android Watches - basically, if you’re somewhere, Google is ready to help you compute there.

- Guardians of the Galaxy hype is high over at Marvel Comics. So much so, they’re bringing back the team’s original lineup for a new series called Guardians 3000, written by Dan Abnett with great looking art from Gerardo Sandoval.

- Funko has announced another batch of San Diego Comic Con exclusives, including a Hoth Luke/Wampa 2-Pack from Star Wars, and my personal favorite, an invisible Predator ReAction figure.

- LEGO made a clever re-creation of the now historic Star Wars: Episode VII cast shot, this time, in minifigure form!

- Aretha Franklin is working on a new album! An album made up of covers of songs from iconic female vocalists, most excitingly, the album will be produced by Andre 3000. Talk about an interesting pairing.
That’s it for today, gang. See you tomorrow for your Friday Daily Blast!
Thursday June 26, 2014