Daily Blast: July 3rd, 2014

Good morning folks! It’s a JAM-PACKEDÂ Daily Blast today. I blame all of the SDCC exclusive news. People seriously want you to buy their swag this year.
Special note: I am leaving for Los Angeles tomorrow morning to play Anime Expo alongside Super Art Fight, so there will NOT be a Daily Blast or any other updates from me for July 4th. I’m sure some major news will break, just to spite me.
That said, we’ve got an awesome edition for you today, and we’ll be back as usual on Monday.
At the top of the post: That’s our first look at Superman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, courtesy of USA Today. I don’t notice any changes in the costume this go-around. Do you?
[]( Let’s be honest, Foxcatcher will win ALL of the Oscars this year, right?

-Â The Expendables 3, starring every action star ever and…Kelsey Grammer, will be the first in the franchise to be rated PG-13.
- Set for release in Japan this Summer, here’s our first look at Studio Ghibli’s next, When Marnie Was There.

- The release of Fast & Furious 7 has been moved up a week - originally set for an April 10 bow, look for it on April 3, 2015.

- BBC One confirmed on their Twitter yesterday that we should see a Sherlock Special in 2015, followed by a three episode 4th season, probably not airing until 2016.
- Netflix swooped in and saved The Killing for a fourth and final season, and the trailer has gone live. Look for it to premiere on the streaming service on August 1.
- Warner Bros. has officially announced Batman: The Complete Series for a DVD/Blu-Ray/Digital Download release in November 2014. The above trailer has the first details, but expect more at a panel at…you guessed it, San Diego Comic Con.

- Wondering what the cast of Mortal Kombat (the arcade game, not the movie) looks like, decades later? They gathered at an arcade in Illinois, and honestly, I think they’re ready for a sequel! (for the most part)

- Once only available at just 10 Brick & Mortar locations in the US & Japan, the Pokemon Co. has announced that they are taking the Pokemon Center and its merchandise online starting August 6th. GET READY FOR YOUR WALLET TO PERISH, POKE-NERDS!

- The Fullbright Company has released a retail, boxed edition of Gone Home, their big indie hit of 2013. I haven’t played the game myself, but based on the details on the blog, this looks like an amazing keepsake for fans of the game.

-Â Deathstroke, starring, appropriately, the DC Comics anti-hero Deathstroke: The Terminator, will debut on October 22nd, by Tony S. Daniel (Superman/Wonder Woman). This is Slade’s return to DC Comics, after his last series ended in May 2013.

- Dark Horse Comics has announced their first batch of SDCC 2014 Exclusives, including the GREATEST HELLBOY PLUSH EVER.

- BOOM! Studios will be releasing a set of (say it with me now!) SDCC 2014 Exclusive scout badges from their hot book Lumberjanes.

- Hot Toys is releasing a trio of convention exclusive 1:6 Scale figures (available at, you guessed it, SDCC 2014) - Aliens vs. Predator Predator, Iron Man Mark XX from Iron Man 3, and a new version of Bank Robber Joker from The Dark Knight.

- The Marvel Select figure of the Falcon from Captain America: The Winter Soldier hit comic shops this week. Nab it for the Anthony Mackie fan in your life.

- Icon Heroes has announced their SDCC 2014 exclusives, including a sweet She-Ra letter opener, and Star Trek bookends.

- A fourth round of SDCC 2014 announcements has arrived from Funko, including some awesome glow-in-the-dark Adventure Time Pop! Vinyls.

- Super 7 has revealed the rest of their SDCC 2014 exclusives, including, hilariously, a ReAction figure of The Gimp from Pulp Fiction. What a world we live in.

- Sideshow Collectibles will be releasing an AMAZING looking premium figure of King Hulk from World War Hulk. Retailing for $600, expect it
at SDCC 2014in January 2015.

- The track list for “Weird” Al Yankovic’s Mandatory Fun has been revealed. I think I see a Lorde parody and another great polka medley in the mix.

- That’s the cover art for Weezer’s new album Everything Will Be Alright In The End. Continuing their love of Internet things (everyone remember the “Pork & Beans” video?), the image is sourced from one of those “add a monster to a thrift store painting” things.

- Pushing the barriers of what constitutes food, 7-Eleven has launched Doritos Loaded, which are basically cheese bites covered with mashed Doritos.

- Insuring my adult onset diabetes, the July 2014 Blizzard of the Month at Dairy Queen is…Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Pie.

- Speaking of diabetes, Baskin Robbin’s flavor of the month? Oreo Cake Batter. Jesus god.
And that’s it for today’s Daily Blast! See you in Los Angeles if you can make it out, otherwise, have a great holiday, and don’t explode you (or your loved ones) this weekend. USA! USA! USA! USA!
Thursday July 3, 2014