Daily Blast: July 21st, 2014

Sorry folks, the weekend is over.
But don’t worry! We’ll ease you in nice with a Daily Blast chock full of awesome!
On the docket today: Marvel Studios has planned your next few years, Weird Al’s got a lot more videos, the ULTIMATE Batman LEGO set is coming, and we’ve got a pretty plausible plot for Star Wars: Episode VII.
At the top of the post: In a Babe Ruth-esq move, Marvel Studios has called their shot, announcing release dates  - but not film titles - through 2019.

- How awesome is Peter Dinklage’s mullet in this first image from the video game disaster comedy Pixels?

- Looks like the first proper trailer for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 will premiere this weekend at San Diego Comic Con. And at select Best Buys? Well, that’s definitely different.

- With the assignment of F. Javier Guiterrez as director, it certainly seems like there’s going to be a The Ring 3, for whatever reason.

- Speaking of new installments of Horror films I don’t quite understand, Warner Bros. is moving forward with a prequel to The Shining, titled Overlook Hotel. In its defense, it looks like Mark Romanek (One Hour Photo) will be directing.

- Proving once again, the way to get a movie made in Hollywood these days is “being a thing”, Warner Bros. is working on a film based on classic video game Space Invaders.

- The New York Times brings this first look at Judd Apatow’s next comedy, Trainwreck. Written by and starring Amy Schumer, the movie features a diverse cast including Bill Hader (pictured) and WWE Champion John Cena. Really.

- I’m trying to avoid any/all spoilers besides what comes from official sources, but - from what I understand, this leaked plot synopsis of Star Wars: Episode VII released by Badass Digest sounds pretty damn plausible.
[]( Here’s our first look at Black Jesus, the new live-action series from The Boondocks creator Aaron McGruder. Look for it on August 7.

- Either we’re getting too many Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles art shows, or not enough of them. Either way, /Film has a great run down of the second one of 2014, “COWABUNGA!” from IAm8Bit.

- Image Comics has a number of rad SDCC 2014 exclusives planned, including a surprise anthology titled Giant-Size Kung Fu Bible Stories. You kinda have to buy it with that name, right?

- Understandably, Marvel Comics will have a very impressive booth at SDCC 2014, including tons of exclusive merch, such as  the sweet Winter Soldier hoodie above.

- Want a new series of Street Fighter action figures? Looks like you’ll have to Kickstart them to the tune of $85,000.

- USA Today got to reveal LEGO’s next major Ultimate Collector’s Set just ahead of SDCC 2014 - this new super-sized edition of The Tumbler from Christopher Nolan’s Batman films will run $199 for 1,869 pieces, including mini figures of Christian Bale’s Batman and Heath Ledger’s The Joker. How much would my fiancÁ© kill me if I bought this, I wonder…
- The Weird Al video-a-day project continues! Friday we got "Sports Song" at Funny or Die...- …Saturday brought the Pixies-esq “First World Problems” at PopCrush…
- …and Sunday gave to us the name dropping “Lame Claim to Fame”.
That’s all for your Monday morning. See you back here tomorrow - or if major news breaks, we’ll try to fix it!
Monday July 21, 2014