Daily Blast: August 28, 2014

Almost there gang! It’s another Thursday as we head toward the end of the week - and with the dawn of the new day comes…a new DAILY BLAST!
In today’s edition of the Daily Blast:
- A look at the lead of the new Pixar movie
- Rivers Cuomo is getting a sitcom
- Get ready for a King Arthur HEXOLOGY
- Hello Kitty IS NOT a Cat
- Arby's wants you to die
At the top of the post: Behold! Our first look at Riley, the girl who’s emotions are personified in Pixar’s big release for next Summer -Â Inside Out.

- Charlie Hunnam (Sons of Anarchy) is set for a long, long time. He’s signed on to play King Arthur in a forthcoming series of SIX movies by director Guy Ritchie (Sherlock Holmes). Gutsy move to plot a series that long, but the real question to me is - how does this effect Pacific Rim 2!?!

- I hope this is taken out of context, but apparently, an editorial edict for the forthcoming Warner Bros/DC Comics films is…“No Jokes”. Good idea booking Dwayne Johnson, then.

- The first images of Feast, the short running before Disney’s Big Hero 6 have been revealed, showcasing it’s star - a Boston Terrier named Winston. I swear to God, if this dog dies…

- Empire has new images from Avengers: Age of Ultron. Nice coat, Hawkeye!

- Another batch of posters for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 have been released, this time, focusing on the Rebel group. Lookin' good, Natalie Dormer. Lookin' good.
- I still feel like the fate of Studio Ghibli is up in the air, but if they’re really closing - Fox ADHD has put together an unexpectedly poignant farewell to the studio.

- Looks like Steve Carell (The Office) will be starring in a new Looney Toons live-action film, titled Acme. I sure hope it’s about the place where Wile E. Coyote gets all his cool shit.

- Because nothing is allowed to die, Sony’s now looking into rebooting the Underworld franchise. Goddamnit.

- Are you having fun yet? Starting Friday, Hulu will be, as they will officially start hosting the cult-comedy classic Party Down! I recommend the episode at Steve Gutenberg’s house.
- Here’s a new trailer for The CW’s The Flash series. Looks fun, even if it’s not reinventing the wheel here.

- FX has greenlit Baskets, a new series co-created by Louis CK and Zack Galifinakis, and starring Galifinakis as its lead, a man who strives to become a respected clown.

- So, uh….apparently Hello Kitty is not a cat. And wasn’t, this entire time. She’s a British girl who wants friends. Thanks for that nightmarish correction, LA Times.

- Fox has signed on to produce DeTour, a television series based on the real life story of Weezer’s Rivers Cuomo. The series will be a fictional take on Cuomo’s decision, at the height of Weezer’s fame, to quit music to pursue his degree at Harvard
and then make the greatest album of all time which he hates

- No big surprise, given that the game features all of their franchises, but Hiro and Baymax from Big Hero 6 will be joining the cast of Disney Infinity 2.0 in November.

- Stopping Shirt-A-Day site designers in their tracks, Minecraft is getting an official Doctor Who DLC on the Xbox 360.

-Â Newsarama has a first-look at a few of Marvel’s Action Figure variant covers for the month of October.

- To push the October release of Gotham Academy, writer Becky Cloonan has illustrated some really great character posters. I really hope this comic gets a chance to flourish.

- IDW has announced a reboot of GI Joe for September - written by author Karen Traviss, this new version of the series sees the Joes lead by Scarlett, in a world where Cobra is now a peace-keeping force…but the battle goes on.

- got an exclusive look at XKCD’s next book, a collection of the What If blog, run by creator Randall Monroe.

- So, uh - there’s a guy riding around Japan dressed as Batman. Anyone notice the crime rate dropping around Nippon?

- OK, OK. I know I push the #FastFoodArmsRace thing, but Arby’s has taken it too far. They now have the $10 Meat Mountain. And it’s literally just a pile of things they serve. AND! They only made it because of a poster and people asked to eat that pile of food. This is where we are now. Arby’s feels you are no better than a slapdash pile of things they have - and we demanded it.
See you tomorrow for the FINAL DAILY BLAST OF THE WEEK! (so sad.)
Thursday August 28, 2014