The One I Love (2014): A Review

This past holiday weekend, I sat down and did something I don’t regularly get to do (but I should do more often), rent a movie off of Amazon and just lose myself between my couch and my HDTV.
The selection on Sunday night was The One I Love, a movie currently in select theaters, but rentable on Amazon and iTunes. The trailer grabbed me - as we featured in a Daily Blast - and I had heard great Sundance buzz on the film, and I’m pleased to say it was an absolute surprise.
The One I Love focuses on a young married couple - Ethan (Mark Duplass, who you probably recognize from a million and one indie films) and Sophie (Mad Men‘s Elisabeth Moss). They’ve hit a rough patch on their marriage, and have been seeking counseling from a couples therapist (a wonderful cameo from Ted Danson). Their sessions have been unproductive, so as a last ditch effort, the therapist sends them to a weekend retreat, to work on themselves and each other. To describe the rest would ruin the film for you, but not all is as it seems in this resort. Ethan and Sophie are forced to face the flaws in their relationship in ways they never expected, and their bond is tested in the most unique of ways.
Running a breezy 91 minutes, The One I Love marks the directorial debut of Charlie McDowell, and it is a confident first film, wonderfully shot and edited (with a rather unique score, provided by Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurrians). Duplass and Moss have tough roles here, but live up to the task of carrying the film with only their performances to support them. In lesser hands, the movie could feel cheesy, overdone or even ridiculous. With fantastic acting talent in Duplass and Moss, the film - and it’s unique situations - never feels out of the realm of believability.
Some how, by taking unique steps, The One I Love is one of the most refreshing, enjoyable and honest takes on romantic relationships I’ve ever seen, and I cannot encourage you view it more. Just don’t spoil it for anyone, yeah? Make an evening of it, and order it on VOD today.
Monday September 1, 2014