Daily Blast: September 12, 2014

Good morning and hello, Internet! The end of the week is finally here (YAY!) and so is your final Daily Blast of the week (BOO!).
What do we have on tap today? Let’s take a look…
- More DC TV Incoming!
- Another Simpsons Crossover!
- MORE Pumpkin Food!
At the top of the post: Here’s your final poster for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1. It’s a bummer, after a really great, unique campaign, the final poster sure does feel like the prior two…and probably the next one also.

- Morgan Freeman has joined the cast of Ted 2, because of course he has.

- Nintendo is entering the animation business! Pikmin Short Movie, an animated short directed by Shigeru Miyamoto, is set to premiere at October’s Tokyo International Film Festival.

- Here’s your first look at the poster for Harmontown, the documentary that is equally about Community creator Dan Harmon, and his podcast tour in 2013.

- In addition to Arrow, The Flash, and Constantine on the air, and Supergirl in the works, DC Comics/Warner Bros. Television are apparently working on a Titans show for TNT (Drama. Boom.)

- The first episode of Agents of SHIELD this season will have a flashback to the early days of SHIELD, and TV Guide has a first look at the guest starring Haley Atwell, Neil McDonough and Kenneth Choi, appearing as Peggy Carter, Dum Dum Duggan and Jim Morita, respectively.

- In addition to cross overs with Family Guy and Futurama this season, The Simpsons will cross over with their Tracey Ulman Show-era versions, in this year’s Treehouse of Horror episode.

- Following in the hollowed footsteps of Typing of the Dead, Final Fantasy: Worldwide Words, a typing based Final Fantasy is due for iOS and Android this Fall.
- Resident Evil fans get hyped: here’s a new trailer for 2015’s Resident Evil Revelations 2.

- The NYCC 2014 exclusive Arkham Origins Deathstroke figure from Square-Enix is looking pretty damn awesome.

- Japan keeps knocking this “weird food” thing out of the park. BEHOLD RAMEN DONUTS!

- I briefly considered starting a blog this year to just eat/review ALL of the Pumpkin Foods. For my health, I chose not to, but I will DEFINITELY be trying these Pumpkin Spice Oreo’s when they launch later this month.
See you on Monday, nerds!
Friday September 12, 2014