Two Brand New 'Interstellar' Posters Take Us To The Stars

Hands down, my most anticipated film for the Fall is Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar.
Discuss the pros and cons of The Dark Knight Rises all you like (I’d be the first to admit it hasn’t aged great), there are few large scale filmmakers quite like him anymore, and to see his epic sized filmmaking imbued with a sense of urgency and optimism with the galaxy spanning Interstellar has me chomping at the bit to see more.
These new posters certainly don’t help.
The first (above), subverts the view we had of the official one-sheet, this time planting Matthew McConaughey’s Cooper firmly on Earth, gazing above.
The second (below), however, truly unleashes the scale of the film, with a look at a beautiful cosmic event.

I truly hope Interstellar is as beautiful as the trailers have made it feel. I’ll be sure to make the efforts to see it on as large a screen as I can.
Interstellar hits theaters November 7.
Friday September 19, 2014