I Don't Get The Point of 'Pan'
I realize that the given way to make money these days in Hollywood is to take an existing thing and try to do a new spin on it…or just continue it with countless sequels. I don’t blame them - so far, it’s made a lot of money.
Released yesterday, the first trailer for Pan is Warner Bros.' attempt to re-birth the Peter Pan mythos, with a prequel, showing Pan as a young boy, teamed with a super handsome James Hook, battling…Blackbeard, apparently?
The casting is star driven, with Hugh Jackman going for camp with his version of Blackbeard, and the world continuing to try to make Garret Hedlund (Tron Legacy) happen, as he seemingly tries to do a bad Daniel-Day-Lewis-in-There-Will-Be-Blood vocal impression as Hook.
All and all, it looks like they’re trying to mix Burton’s Alice In Wonderland with Harry Potter and calling it a Peter Pan film.  I wonder if they’re going to show us how and when Peter becomes an asshole and feeds his buddy Hook’s hand to a crocodile?
The x-factor possibly in their favor is Joe Wright, who built his name on British weepies like Pride & Prejudice, Attonement and Anna Karina, but he’s also responsible for the awesomness that was Hanna, so it could be good.
Either way, Pan is shooting for (at best) second behind Hook as best Peter Pan re-interpretation, and so far, all it has going for it in my favor is Rooney Mara’s Tiger Lilly. And even that’s a conflicting bit of white-washing.
Pan hits theaters on June 26, 2015.

Wednesday November 26, 2014