Tumblr Wins: Benedict Cumberbatch IS Doctor Strange
Marvel themselves confirmed one of the worst kept secrets in Hollywood, today - the I’s have been dotted, the T’s have been crossed…
Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock) will be the lead in Doctor Strange.
Ending a long running rumor mill that has placed actors as varied as Jacquin Phoenix and Jared Leto (wrong universe, I guess?) in the red cape, Cumberbatch will be casting the mystic arts.
From the official press release…
“Stephen Strange’s story requires an actor capable of great depth and sincerity," said Producer Kevin Feige. “In 2016, Benedict will show audiences what makes Doctor Strange such a unique and compelling character."
Cumberbatch’s Strange is the second major casting for “Phase 3" of the super successful Marvel Studios films, following the casting of Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther, who will debut in 2016’s Captain America: Civil War before being featured in his own solo film. This marks the latest nerd franchise for the hyper-popular Cumberbatch, who has padded his Sherlock appearances with parts in the Hobbit Trilogy and 2013’s Star Trek Into Darkness.
Doctor Strange, directed by Scott Derrickson, will hit theaters November 4, 2016.

Thursday December 4, 2014