Will Chris Pratt Go From Guardian to Raider (of the Lost Ark)?
Hey, Chris Pratt!
You’re already married to a movie star (Anna Faris), you’re on one of the best comedies on television (Parks & Recreation), and you were the lead in two of the best movies of 2014 (The LEGO Movie and Guardians of the Galaxy) - so how are you going to follow that up?
If Disney has their way? By making you Indiana Jones.
Yep, that’s the rumor from today, saying that Disney is working hard to relaunch the Indiana Jones franchise much how they have Star Wars, and the person they’re considering to take over the fedora and whip is none other than Pratt himself.
I know that previously, Bradley Cooper was rumored to be the next to follow in Harrison Ford’s footsteps, but considering Pratt’s Star-Lord seemed to be the venn-diagram of Han Solo and Indiana Jones (with a touch of excited fanboy), I don’t think he’s a bad choice by any means.
I do wonder, however, with Jurassic World coming - which could lead to sequels - another Guardians of the Galaxy due soon, and rumors that the Guardians could be a part of the future Avengers sequels, can Pratt sign on? Considering Disney owns Marvel AND Lucasfilm, I’m sure they can move anything around the way they want…but he is just one man, and I don’t think we want to see Chris Pratt get played out.
Color me optimistic but cautious on this news.

Tuesday January 27, 2015