Neill Blomkamp Signed for New 'Aliens' Film
I’m pretty sure this is an example of the ideas pushed in The Secret coming true.
Right around last Christmas, District 9 and Elysium director Neill Blomkamp posted some super interesting concept art onto his Instagram feed.
Prefaced with an image of an Alien Queen - like from Aliens - Blomkamp immediately excited and let down sci-fi fans.
Now, it seems the tide has turned.
Possibly due to the amazing amount of fan response to the incredible concept art, which included a look at an Older Ripley, a Scarred Hicks, and I think the dudes from Prometheus, Variety reports - and Blomkamp confirms - that he will be working on a new Aliens film.
With no release date currently set, Ridley Scott is working with Blomkamp as producer on the movie. Blomkamp, whose next film is Chappie, due out in March, clearly has a unique feel to his films, and may be the shot in the arm that the series needs. At the least, I expect a Superman Returns-esq retcon of a number of sequels.  The movie is set after Prometheus 2, which is still in production.
If you take anything away from this gang, it should be this - put your awesome out into the world. You never know what may happen.

Friday February 20, 2015