RUMOR: Yes, Virginia - There Will Be A 'Tron 3'
Believe it or not, franchises can continue on despite disappointing results.
While I’d be the first to admit that Tron Legacy had more looks than brains, I did enjoy it when it hit theaters back in 2010. I’m not sure the rest of the world felt the same, however, with a 51% Rotten Tomatoes rating, and “just" a $400 Million box office - which while sounding impressive, is versus a nearly $200 mil budget, making it a not-so-huge success.
Never the less, Disney apparently believes in the series enough to give it a third try, as word on a third films production came today from VanCityBuzz, a local to Vancouver blog.
According to the blog - who, as far as I could tell, would have no reason to make this up - production begins on October 5th for what they dubbed Tron 3, with Garrett Hedlund appearing once more as your stoic hero, and director Joseph Kosinski behind the lens.
One certainly hopes an adept screenwriter is involved in the film as well - as both Tron Legacy and Oblivion have unfortunately proven - Kosinski can deliver incredible visuals, but without a script, his movies feel adrift. At the very least, I hope for more Olivia Wilde as Quorra - the best part of Legacy on many, many levels.
More on Tron 3 as we have it.

Tuesday March 10, 2015