TOM CRUISE HANGING ON A PLANE: 'Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation' Trailer

Believe it or not folks, we’re now at our fifth Mission: Impossible movie, but considering - much like Fast and Furious - the franchise really only got started “late”, with the JJ Abrams directed M:I 3, this is technically the third part of the Bad Robot trilogy - Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation.
Placing the IMF (the returning Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Ving Rhames and Simon Pegg, plus new female spy Rebecca Ferguson) against an “Anti-IMF” called the Syndicate, it looks like another world spanning action romp filled with insane stunts.
While I think Christopher McQuarrie is a step down from Abrams and Brad Bird as a director, this looks like an absolute blast - and clearly Paramount agrees, moving it up from it’s original Christmas release date (and away from Star Wars) to a late July bow.
Besides, this movie has a FLUTE GUN. Flute gun!
Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation hits theaters on July 31, 2015 and tickets are already on sale!
Monday March 23, 2015