The Park Is Open: New 'Jurassic World' Trailer
As promised over the weekend, the new, full trailer for Colin Trevorrow’s Jurassic World is here, and it certainly looks like that everything that CAN go wrong, WILL go wrong in the June release.
Remember everything that Richard Hammond and company were worried about in Jurassic Park, about the terror that could’ve happened if the Park were open to the public? Yeah - that looks like what happens in Jurassic World, with the terror magnified by the addition of a corporately mandated genetically modified dinosaur called the Indominus Rex, which not only is larger and seemingly more deadly than a T-Rex…it’s smarter too.
Jurassic World looks to be full of the intense dinosaur action we’ve come to know from the franchise, and with Chris Pratt as our wisecrackin' entry point, I have hopes that it’s going to be a highlight of the Summer.
Jurassic World hits theaters on June 12, 2015.

Monday April 20, 2015