'Daredevil' Gets A Second Season!
Based on the fan response I’ve heard since its release just about two weeks ago, there’s no denying - Daredevil is an absolute hit.
The first of five series heading to Netflix from Marvel Studios, I wondered if we were going to see AKA Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and The Defenders on Netflix before they ever considered a second season of Daredevil. Good news everyone! A second season is now set for 2016!
Marvel announced the good news yesterday on their website. Now, while a second season of Daredevil is good news - there’s a slight bummer attached to the announcement. Season 1 showrunner Steven DeKnight will not be with the show, with Doug Petrie (“Buffy the Vampire Slayer,“ “American Horror Story") and Marco Ramirez (“Sons of Anarchy") taking over as showrunners.
Petrie and Ramirez worked on Season 1 alongside DeKnight, so they’re at least keeping the show “in the family", so hopefully we won’t see too much change.
Daredevil Season 2 will hit Netflix in 2016.

Wednesday April 22, 2015