With the first Star Wars movie in over a decade hitting theaters later this year, Lucasfilm and Vanity Fair did everything they could today to keep fans at a fever-pitch for the 2015 Star Wars Day.

Star Wars Day - chosen as May 4th due to the wonderfully awful pun “May The Fourth Be With You" - has been a great day for fans of the sci-fi saga. Heck, even a few years ago, the amazing new trailer.

What better way to keep the audience interested than by revealing new images and character details via Vanity Fair? Slowly dripped throughout the day, fans were enamored with every detail. Following similar profiles by famed photographer Annie Leibovitz done for the Prequel Trilogy, the May 2015 issue of Vanity Fair will feature a full profile on the film. To drum up interest, new images, info, and even a behind the scenes video was released throughout the day.

[caption id=“attachment_20352” align=“aligncenter” width=“600”]"Chewie, there are other people in our home." “Chewie, there are other people in our home."[/caption]

First - we had the fantastic cover for the issue, featuring Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) alongside the new cast members of Finn (John Boyega), Rey (Daisy Ridley) and rolling droid BB—8 (BB—8).

Phase two hit later in the wee hours of the morning, with some behind the scenes footage shown in a brief video, embedded below.


Then - just in time for prime morning surfing - six brand new images from the making of the film were released, including a look at Rey on her speeder, Poe Dameron (Oscar Issac) getting out of his X-Wing, a maskless Kylo Ren flanked by the new generation Snowtroopers (revealed as Girls’ Adam Driver), a look at Lupita Nyong’o performing motion capture - eventually being alien pirate Maz Kanata, an incredible wide-shot of some of the practical (!) aliens from the film, and a lovely “family" shot of the brain trust behind The Force Awakens.

[gallery ids=“20356,20355,20353,20354,20357,20350”]

It all came together at 4pm today, with the reveal of the other main villain for the film - dubbed by fans as the “Chrometrooper" after her appearance in the latest teaser, Game of Thrones’ Gwendoline Christie is confirmed as First Order officer Captain Phasma. She looks super intimidating.

[caption id=“attachment_20351” align=“aligncenter” width=“442”]Very shiny. Very cool. Very shiny. Very cool.[/caption]

If that all wasn’t enough - while not from Vanity Fair - word broke late this evening about the second Star Wars Anthology film. Director Josh Trank (Chronicle) left the project this past weekend, but worry not - the movie will be about bounty hunter Boba Fett. So yeah, they’re going to make all the money.

Star Wars The Force Awakens hits theaters on December 18th. The untitled Boba Fett film is currently set for a 2018 release.