Green Or Red: 2 'Deadpool' Trailers Hit The Web
While neither is the exact trailer premiered at San Diego Comic Con last month - which received such a positive response that fans chanted for it to be played a second time - not just one, but two edits of the Deadpool trailer have hit the web, for you to be able to watch a million, billion times on your own devices.
Red Band Trailer (NSFW)
General Audiences Trailer
So, what do I think?
The movie looks completely over the top, ridiculous, fowl-mouthed and insane. Basically, it’s everything that a Deadpool movie needs to be. Will that resonate with general audiences? I have no idea - but for comic fans, who are used to the Merc with a Mouth’s non-stop quips and penchant for extreme violence, this looks to be the movie to redeem Ryan Reynolds after the hard 1—2 punch of X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Green Lantern.
Also, in case you missed it, here’s the Trailer Trailer. Yes, a trailer for the trailer. It’s worth watching to see how natural Reynolds is in the role.
Deadpool hits theaters on February 12, 2016.

Wednesday August 5, 2015