'The Jungle Book' Teaser Trailer is Keeping A Secret In Plain Sight
Hey folks. Been a while. Life is happening - but let’s talk about what we’re all here for. Nerdy things.
Like - for example - today’s release of the first official teaser trailer for The Jungle Book. Check it out below.
Already you know that there’s some heat on this movie. There’s Jon Favreau behind the camera, with his first blockbuster motion picture since Cowboys & Aliens, hoping to get his mojo back that he gained when he launched Iron Man and the Marvel Cinematic Universe proper. (That reminds me, I still need to see Chef.)
You’ve got a major list of voice actors, making the animals come to life. Idris Elba, Christopher Walken, Bill Murray, Scarlett Johannson (who I felt like might be a little bit distracting in this trailer?) - even Ben Kingsley signed up for this.
Now get ready for the surprise. Everything - except Neel Sethi, the boy playing Mowgli - is CGI.
Yeah. Stunning stuff, right?
This could be an Avatar level leap forward for tech, melded with a Disney classic. I can’t wait to see it for myself.
The Jungle Book hits theaters on April 15, 2016

Tuesday September 15, 2015