New 'Steve Jobs' Trailer Stuns
Universal Pictures has released a new trailer for their big Fall awards hope, Steve Jobs - and the movie continues to look fantastic.
Steve Jobs had a less than easy road to the big screen, having at once been under the purview of Sony Pictures, with David Fincher directing and Christian Bale rumored to star, but the movie was finally made by Universal Pictures, with the great Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire) behind the lens.
Written by Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network), the movie has been on my “must-see" list for some time, and word from early film festival screenings has been incredibly positive. Sorkin is a writer whose work I’ve mostly enjoyed - minus, say, the last season or two of The Newsroom - but as The Social Network showed, Sorkin does great writing leads whose flaws mirror his own…as opposed to creating new characters that unfortunately start to spout his own rhetoric.
Michael Fassbender looks to be acting his ass off in this movie, playing the late Apple leader, and similarly strong appears to be the performance of Kate Winslet, starring as Joanna Hoffman, a member of the original Mac team and the NeXT team. I personally can’t wait to see Seth Rogen stretch his legs a bit as Steve Wozniak.
My biggest concern is the unique format of the movie - it’s built around three phases of Steve Jobs’ career, namely, three press conferences, including the unveiling of the original Apple computer, and the unveiling of the first iMac. It’s more of a play than a film in that regard, but with such captivating talent working on it - I can’t imagine the final product being anything but mesmerizing.
Steve Jobs hits in limited release on October 9, 2015, with a full national release following on October 23.

Thursday September 17, 2015