I have to give the marketing team for Suicide Squad this - they’re doing something different.

As any long-term reader of this site knows, I’m pretty skeptical of how Warner Bros is handling the DC Comics Movie Universe.

That said, people thus far have been seemingly far more accepting of the forthcoming Suicide Squad movie than they have of how Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is turning out.

We’re supposed to get a brand-new trailer later tonight (which, if I’m awake, I’ll post about), but I have to say, the deluge of new posters look pretty great.

They’re not your standard photoshop mess - even the one with the cast shown has a sense of style - and I honestly really like the poster with everyone’s stylized skull design.

[gallery ids=“20753,20754,20755,20765,20757,20758,20759,20760,20761,20762,20763,20764”]

Will any of that result in a good movie? Probably not. But you can enjoy the gallery above.

Suicide Squad hits theaters on August 5, 2016.