Behold The Amazons! New 'Wonder Woman' Image Appears
Lady warriors are looking FIERCE, y’all!
Just in time for her big-screen debut in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Entertainment Weekly has another new image from the forthcoming Wonder Woman solo film.
Featuring Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman, we can also see our first glances at her’s mother, Queen Hippolyta (Gladiator’s Connie Nielsen), and her two military aunts — General Antiope (House of Cards' Robin Wright) and Antiope’s lieutenant, Menalippe (Force Majeure’s Lisa Loven Kongsli).
It looks like they’ve all been on the 300 diet, and are ready to wreck some shit, to be perfectly frank.
I recommend checking out the full article, for some additional plot details, and an interview with the costume designer, who is clearly having the time of her life.
Wonder Woman hits theaters on June 23, 2017.

Thursday March 24, 2016