The First 'Rogue One' Trailer Is Here!
Our first look at the first “Star Wars Story" has arrived.
Premiering this morning exclusively on ABC’s Good Morning America, then quickly arriving online - because really, what’s an exclusive these days? - we’re getting our first glimpse of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
There is a lot riding on this film. Directed by Gareth Edwards, who gave us the 2010 indie Monsters and the awesome 2014 Godzilla reboot, Rogue One is the first “non-episode" Star Wars film, and is key to the continued success of Star Wars as a Marvel-esq franchise universe. We’ll be getting these “Star Wars Stories" between Episode releases, and it will even include the “Young Han Solo" film directed by 21 Jump Street’s Phil Lord and Chris Miller.
Starring Felicity Jones (The Theory of Everything), and undoubtedly misspelled across the Internet as Rouge One, the movie takes us back to the era of A New Hope. Surprisingly, this trailer was not included on the home release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens earlier this week, but it has finally arrived online in full HD.
Here it is! (I’m sure you clicked play already.)
So, what do I think?
This looks phenomenal. A grittier, harder edged Star Wars film, with an angsty female lead? Not what one would expect from Star Wars, yet it feels perfectly Star Wars at the same time. This is the type of risk that the franchise needs to move forward. I am ALL ABOUT THIS.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hits theaters on December 16, 2016.

Thursday April 7, 2016