What Are You Paying for Internet Content?
Let’s face it, we’re in a new age of consuming and enjoying media, and the Internet has given us a whole multitude of ways to enjoy content.
And that includes LEGAL ways - especially since I don’t pirate anymore.
But with it has come a whole bunch of different bills that we did not have before.
Between VOD services, SASS software, and other miscellany, we may be cutting the cord, but we’re also tied into different services in ways we weren’t before.
In turn, I thought it’d be interesting - in the sense of transparency, and even for my own understanding - to breakdown how many monthly services I’m now paying for.
Here’s my monthly breakdown:
- Dreamhost (Internet Hosting) - $9.99/mo.
- Google Business (Email Hosting/Apps on Personal Domain) - $5/mo.
- FeedBin (RSS Backend) - $2.50/mo. [Paid in a $30 lump sum, annually]
- Amazon Prime (Shipping/VOD) - $8.25/mo [Paid in a $99 lump sum, annually]
- Netflix (VOD) - $8.99/mo.
- Hulu with Showtime Add-On (VOD) - $16.98/mo. [Hulu is $7.99, Showtime is $8.99]
- HBO NOW (VOD) - $14.99/mo.
- iCloud 50 GB Plan (Cloud Backup/Storage) - $0.99/mo.
- Apple Music (Streaming Music) - $14.99/mo. [Family Plan]
- WWE Network (VOD) - $9.99/mo.
- PlayStation Plus (Video Gaming) - $4.17/mo [Paid in a $49.99 lump sum annually]
For me, that’s a total of $96.84 a month - not including the amount I actually pay for Internet access.
Granted, that’s coming out of a two income home, but it really is eye-opening to see it listed out that way. Â And this doesn’t even include other ways that people are supporting content creators these days, such as Kickstarter and Patreon.
What about you, gentle reader? Sound off in the comments. Lets see what we pay for today.

Wednesday April 27, 2016