We’ve had movie trailers for years. We also had teasers, which hinted towards the proper trailer.

Then, with the internet, we started getting announcement trailers, telling us when a trailer was going to be released. We usually get those for the teasers AND the proper trailers.

Now…we have trailers to tell us that a movie will be filmed.

Transformers 5 starts filming soon, and to announce it, Paramount has released a trailer to tell us the name of the film. Yes, that’s all this does.


At least this was on Instagram, where one would expect such short messages.

I’m not sure who the titular “Last Knight” is, but I do know that the new logo changes how “Transformers” is written. See?


This film continues the “second trilogy” of Transformers films, bringing back Mark Wahlberg in front of the camera, and Michael Bay behind it.

I couldn’t tell you a single thing about the plot of the last film - Age of Extinction - but I can tell you that it made $1.1 Billion at the box office. So expect even more of these films. Even if they’re all garbage.

Transformers: The Last Knight hits theaters on June 23, 2017.