This is a joke, right? 'Tetris' Movie Trilogy Coming To China
I thought it was weird enough when Missile Command and Centipede were getting their own films, but is now reporting probably the strangest video game to movie transition ever…
Tetris The Movie.
Really. And not just ONE movie made around the video game built around building lines with differently shaped blocks, an entire TRILOGY of movies.
This thing honestly reads like a parody of the current movie industry.
You have a trilogy green-lit just based on the notoriety of the property, you have a ridiculous budget ($80 million), and you have it being filmed in China and prominently featuring a Chinese cast, just to take advantage of the growing Chinese film market.
The only quote about the movie? Via producer Larry Kasanoff (best known for the Mortal Kombat films, and the infamously awful film Foodfight!, a movie which was only released because the company that insured it sued to be able to release it to recoup some money on their investment):
[It's] not at all what you think; it will be a cool surprise.
Look - I know we live in a world where The LEGO Movie blew us away and delivered something unexpected. But…in developing a property like Tetris, which has less than zero plot to build on, maybe you should give us an inkling of why exactly this film is the backbone of a trilogy?
Why do I feel like this is just one movie-based giant shell game, with Kasanoff’s group trying to just rip the Chinese investors off for serious cash? Â Sounds like a doofy business I should get into.
Tetris The Movie will probably never hit theaters. But if it does, we will be here to make heads or tails of it.

Tuesday May 17, 2016