SDCC 2016: Marvel Studios and Netflix Defend Their Position
Yesterday at the first official day of San Diego Comic Con (aka Comic Con International), the big buzz came from the Marvel Studios / Netflix panel.
Focusing on the September debut of Luke Cage, and celebrating the fantastic two seasons of Daredevil and debut season of Jessica Jones, fans were buzzing about the future of these mature series.
For those who don’t recall what those shows looked like, here’s a sizzle reel which was shown at the panel.
The big news from the panel?
The Punisher - CONFIRMED
Rumor became real, as Marvel Studios TV head Jeph Loeb, alongside star Jon Bernthal, confirmed that Frank Castle - better known as The Punisher - would be getting his own solo show on Netflix, following his popular debut in the second season of Daredevil.
Luke Cage - Kicking ass in September
The main focus on the panel was to hype the September debut of the Luke Cage solo series. Mike Colter looks to be doing a great job as the street-level hero (building off of his appearance in Jessica Jones), and the first official trailer hits all the right notes. We’ve got it for you here.
Luke Cage premieres on September 30, 2016.
Daredevil - Renewed for Season 3
As if it weren’t going to happen, Marvel and Netflix were pleased to announce that their hit series Daredevil would be returning in the not-too-distant future for a third season. The announcement trailer is wonderfully understated.
Please note, there is no scheduled date for Daredevil Season 3, at this time.
Iron Fist - Coming in 2017
Arguably the series I’m most excited for (given how much I loved the Immortal Iron Fist series), Marvel finally shared footage from their next big Netflix franchise - Iron Fist.
Starring Game of Thrones' Finn Jones as Danny Rand, the teaser trailer - while short - hits all the right notes.
The Defenders - ALSO Coming in 2017.
From day one, the Marvel/Netflix series have been built around culminating in one grand adventure - much how their bigger brothers on the silver screen came together in 2012’s The Avengers, we knew that Daredevil, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage would one day unite as The Defenders.
Thanks to a brief teaser shown at the end of the panel, we now know that it will come together in 2017…presumably after Iron Fist airs.
I have to admit, it’s an embarrassment of riches coming from the Marvel and Netflix partnership. If the quality remains high, we’re all in for a treat.
My only question: Where is Jessica Jones Season 2?

Friday July 22, 2016