Released in 1991, The Rocketeer was not a huge hit, but for those who loved it, it’s unforgettable.  A fantastic love letter to WWII pulp storytelling, and a great adaptation of the Dave Stevens comic, the movie is the epitome of underrated.
In turn, I think this is a perfect example of a property worthy of a reboot.
Sounds like Walt Disney Studios agrees, as they have begun development of a “sequel-reboot”, a’la Mad Max: Fury Road, titled The Rocketeers.
Hollywood Reporter got the exclusive, including a VERY INTERESTING reveal. Check it out:
The new take keeps the story in a period setting and offers a fresh view on the characters. Set six years after the original Rocketeer and after Secord has vanished while fighting the Nazis, an unlikely new hero emerges: a young African—American female pilot, who takes up the mantle of Rocketeer in an attempt to stop an ambitious and corrupt rocket scientist from stealing jet-pack technology in what could prove to be a turning point in the Cold War.
Yeah, that’s right. A strong, African-American female pilot will be the lead here. What an awesome idea - pushing forward the franchise, while also giving a modern twist and take. I’m very much for it.
More on The Rocketeers as we have it.

Thursday July 28, 2016