If you’ve ever wanted a SUPER high-end replica of the original Megazord from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, good news, your time has arrived.

Bandai’s Tamashii Nation’s line is introducing a high-end replica version of the famous mech, including figures of all five “zords" featuring working weapons, full transformations (including the “tank" mode) and die-cast metal.

You can check out a full gallery of the toy below.

[gallery ids=“21417,21419,21420,21421,21422,21416,21424,21432,21431,21433,21427,21430,21429,21423,21418,21426,21425,21428”]

The detail for this is unreal on this 10-inch scaled figure, but the price-tag is just as rough as the figure is perfect - $300.

If you can throw the money at it, you can pre-order at Amazon.com now. The official release isn’t until June 2017, so you can start saving your pennies now.