After an accidental leak overnight on Facebook - which was quickly taken down, although mirrored on a number of sites - Lionsgate has turned into the skid and unveiled the first teaser trailer for their film adaptation of Power Rangers, in advance of today’s panel at New York Comic Con.

Far removed from the cheezy glory of the 90’s series, based on this trailer, the film is striking an odd mixture of The Breakfast Club and Spider-Man, but in a very grim-and-gritty way.

Maybe they’re presenting the film this way to build intrigue, but this feels like an unnecessary push of “THIS AIN’T FOR KIDS". Doesn’t this feel like exactly the wrong way to market a Power Rangers film?

Based on what I’m seeing on YouTube, maybe not.


You heard it here first, Lionsgate - you need all the blood, guts, gore and f-bombs possible to have this live up to the “true" version of Power Rangers that people have wanted for 20 years. Way to get started on the right foot.

Power Rangers hits theaters on March 24, 2017.