The SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING Trailer Swings Into Action!
With this Summer’s Captain America: Civil War, in the midst of the Avengers based conflict, fans around the globe were introduced to a new generation of wall-crawler - the newest Spider-Man / Peter Parker, Tom Holland.
As a life long devoted fan of Spidey, I absolutely loved the performance of Holland, mixing the best of both prior Spider-Men (Tobey McGwire and Andrew Garfield), all while being an honest to God teen.
Next Summer brings his first solo adventure, a combined Sony Pictures / Marvel Studios joint: Spider-Man: Homecoming, and courtesy of Jimmy Kimmel Live and the Internet, we have the first trailer for you, in both domestic and international versions.
Domestic Trailer
International Trailer
The two trailers aren’t terribly different (just some additional beats with Michael Keaton’s The Vulture), but this looks absolutely fantastic, weaving elements of what has made the Ultimate Spider-Man comic series so great with a touch of The Breakfast Club, and of course, the amazing Marvel Cinematic Universe. I really do love the bank robber beat at the beginning.
If I had a complaint, it’s a very minor one, that I worry that the appearance of Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark / Iron Man may overshadow the film too much. But when it’s a superhero tale, who doesn’t expect a crossover now?
Spider-Man: Homecoming arrives in theaters on July 7, 2017.

Friday December 9, 2016