
cin·e·phile (noun) - a person who is fond of motion pictures.

I’m Cory Everett and when I was six years old, my dad took me to see Robocop. It was all downhill from there. When I was 21, I was on the short-lived IFC show Ultimate Film Fanatic (I lost). I’ve also written about film at Indiewire and elsewhere. And for the past 15 years or so, I’ve spent road trips, days at the beach and other time-to-kill situations prompting friends, family, and co-workers with three words:

“Gimme two actors.“

It started as a variation on the Kevin Bacon game, except you pick any two actors and try to connect them in six movies or less. We can sometimes spend hours doing this. We also play another game where you name a movie star, then go around naming their films until someone is stumped. It sounds simple but there is a strategy involved.

So after playing other movie games and being underwhelmed, I thought it might be time to bring mine to life. With the help of my friend, illustrator Steve Isaacs, I created Cinephile: A Card Game.

Yeah, I foresee the Super Art Fight roster and I playing this game a LOT in the future. In for the game and the expansion.