
The next Assassin’s Creed is called Odyssey and will take place in ancient Greece, according to a new report from the French site JeuxVideoLive, which adds that Odyssey is a sequel to last year’s Assassin’s Creed Origins. Kotaku can confirm this report.

Rumors about the next Assassin’s Creed have been circulating for months now—some real, some fake—but the one we’ve been hearing since January from our own sources is that the game is indeed set in Greece, and that it’ll be even more of a drastic departure for the series than Origins. We’ve heard the same details from three people who have played the game, and several more who have heard about it secondhand. While Origins added Witcher-like RPG elements, Odyssey will take things even further, those people said, bringing dialogue options to the series for the first time. You’ll be able to play as either a male or a female protagonist, although the builds we’ve heard about did not feature Origins’ main characters Bayek or Aya, but new heroes.

I had heard that Origins was a return to form, if not an outright improvement from its predecessor, so it’s cool to see the franchise continue to evolve.