
A new study shows that after years of declines, BitTorrent usage and piracy is on the rise again. The culprit: an increase in exclusivity deals that force subscribers to hunt and peck among a myriad of streaming services to actually find the content they’re looking for.

Not a shock.

Basically, once CBS decided they needed to have their own streaming service, and other networks like AMC and ESPN have followed (and others announced plans to follow similarly), I had a hunch this would happen.

I currently am subscribed to Apple Music, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, HBO Now, WWE Network and NJPW World. I may subscribe to the Apple Video or Disney Play services. But I also am in a two-income household.

Gotta go to where the puck is going, guys, not where the puck is.

First one to be the Spotify/Apple Music of Television or Movies gets the money.

Hell, I’d be willing to pay for a Spotify of Television and Apple Music of Movies, separately.