The Verge:

Facebook recently extended the deletion grace period for terminating your main account from 14 to 30 days, the company confirmed to The Verge. Now, when you go to delete your Facebook account, you have up to one month to reverse the decision if you choose to log back in. Facebook won’t automatically restore your account if you log in, but it says you will have “the option to cancel your request."

“We recently increased the grace period when you choose to delete your Facebook account from 14 days to 30 days,“ says a Facebook spokesperson. “We’ve seen people try to log in to accounts they’ve opted to delete after the 14-day period. The increase gives people more time to make a fully informed choice.“

Here, I’ll translate:

“After our hack, many of you have started to delete your accounts. Because we don’t want to worry our stockholders, we want to limit how many count as officially deactivated in our Q4 reports.“

Don’t be surprised when this gets extended to 45 days.