Josh Holtsclaw:

I remember seeing the first Incredibles film in college with a few friends. We went on opening night and the theater was packed. I remember thinking that the way the movie opened with the old film footage of a younger Mr Incredible, Elastigirl and Frozone being interviewed was such a different way to open an animated film, and it just got better from there. The whole thing was so stylized and just…cool. I loved the mid century aesthetic. When I got to Pixar and heard that they were working on a sequel, I knew I wanted to be a part of it.

A very in-depth, very cool look at much of the visual design and aesthetic appeal of Incredibles 2.

I rewatched the film over the weekend, and while the movie does not reach the highs of the first, the level of detail - as demonstrated in the work catalogued in this post - leads to a world that feels lived in and lively.

Tremendous work by Josh and the rest of the Pixar team.