MONDO To Close Out the STAR WARS Trilogy With a Timed JOCK Print

Tomorrow we're very excited to send off 2018 with the final entry of Jock's incredible STAR WARS series celebrating the original trilogy!“I Am a Jedi, Like My Father Before Me” timed-edition poster concludes Luke’s heroic journey from a hopeful adventurer to confident leader of the Rebellion and skillful Jedi. Set within the forest moon of Endor, Luke stands with his lightsaber at the ready as a Scout trooper races towards him on the iconic speeder bike. Like the other two in Jock’s series, this poster presents the viewer with an intimate and highly kinetic POV. Over the last two years Jock has done an absolutely stunning job showcasing Luke’s trials across the galaxy and we couldn’t be more proud of the series as a whole.
Tomorrow is today at Noon CST, and man, this looks great. Tempting.
Tuesday December 18, 2018