'Inside Story of How Legendary NFL Broadcaster Bob Costas Ended Up Excised From Football and Out at NBC'
Outside the Lines spoke with the 66-year-old Costas dozens of times over the course of the past year. Those conversations provide not only the never-before-told backstory of how he became an NFL outsider, but also deep insight into his personality: the intelligence and self-assurance that have driven his career; the years-long struggle as he reconciled the celebration of a sport that enriched him financially and helped make him a broadcasting icon, but also weighed so heavily on his conscience; and the insecurity and intense worry -- near agony -- about the possibility of betraying his colleagues and friends by sharing his story. All of it points to the all-encompassing influence of the NFL -- even over the most distinguished broadcaster of his era.
Fascinating read, both on the struggle of sports coverage in the face of modern knowledge, and how a decades long professional relationships can suffer because of it.
Never had much to say about Bob Costas prior to reading this - now he has my full respect.
Monday February 11, 2019