Over the past week or so, I’ve been making a pretty big reconsideration of what I do with my personal tech setup.

For the longest time, I’ve been a person who chases the coolest, newest, most unique, most feature driven, most “tweakable" version of my apps. I read websites on it. I read others user diaries about it.

But being a part of an ecosystem in Apple where, well, things “just work" — so long as you use their version of applications — using third-party versions of apps usually means you then need even more special apps which help you redirect things accordingly.

And then I had a moment. I asked myself - why am I doing this?

Inspired by a write up (from one of those very same sites) by Frederico Viticci, I realized, it’s just easier to commit to the default.

What is so important about having every single option, every single tweak available to me?

So I started making those changes this week.

Back from Bear to Notes. From Fantastical to Calendar. From Overcast to Podcasts. It goes on and on. Sure, I’m holding on to some. (You’ll never take Ulysses away from me!) But the rest of them? Farewell. Even my beloved TweetBot.

Everything feels a little…easier. A little lighter. A little less stressful.

I Marie Kondo’d the crap out of my technical life.

And it’s just better for it.