Tweetbot is Back on iOS, With a Subscription in Tow

Tweetbot 6 Moves to Subscription Pricing - MacStories:
Tapbots, the maker of Tweetbot, has released version 6 of the app, introducing a new subscription pricing model along with a handful of timeline and design updates.The subscription costs $0.99 per month or $5.99 annually. Many of the features previously available as part of the paid app, including multiple account support, advanced filtering, and push notifications, are now subscription-only features. Tapbots says that subscribers will also benefit from future updates as Twitter expands its third-party APIs and ensure Tweetbot’s continued development. You can still download the app to view your timeline if you’re not willing to subscribe, but the free version is read-only, so it isn’t possible to tweet from it.
I can hear pearls being clutched at yet another great third-party application being turned to a subscription model, but really, it’s more Apple’s fault than Tweetbot’s.
Tweetbot is an app I live far too many hours in. It’s everything Twitter was in 2012, but in 2021. No ads, no Fleets, a chronological timeline, and across device timeline syncing. And they’re using the new v2 Twitter API (which does cost $$$) so the app is only going to get better.
You know how everyone says about Twitter, “I can’t believe this site is free?“ Yeah, this is worth the $6/year.
Tuesday January 26, 2021