
Screenings are being set up this week for streamers Amazon Prime, Apple and Netflix to check out and potentially acquire Warner Bros‘ axed Looney Tunes movie Coyote Vs. Acme after the studio’s phone ran off the hook the entire weekend from angry filmmakers and talent reps over their third feature film kill after Batgirl and Scoob Holiday Haunt! The more egregious Hollywood sin here with Coyote vs. Acme is that it’s a finished film, that was intended for a theatrical release.

Of those kicking the tires, even though no deals have been drafted, I hear Amazon is a leading contender given the fact that its Courtenay Valenti, the Head of Film, Streaming and Theatrical for Amazon Studios and MGM, was a big champion and lynchpin for the movie while she was at Warner Bros. All of this boils down to Jen Salke’s sign-off I understand. During the pandemic Amazon Prime acquired Sony’s family titles Hotel Transylvania 4 and Cinderella among other movies. Amazon has been known to take finished films off the table with $100M and turn them into events for the streamer.

What a wild time to be a filmmaker. To go from making a film, to your film won’t see the light of day, to all the streamers showing interest...

The whiplash has to be strong.